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Tips for Reassuring Those Returning to Work

Recently we have seen more and more people returning to work after long periods of working from home or being furloughed.

Focus on warehousing & logistics
One of the industries most affected by the current climate is the warehousing and logistics sector. Both COVID-19 and Brexit have had a direct infl...
Construction industry booms post-pandemic
The global pandemic has been hard-hitting on multiple industries. However, as the UK finally moves away from all government-mandated restrictions, ...
How has COVID-19 changed the commercial kitchen?
There’s no doubt the hospitality sector has suffered more than most from the stop-start nature of social distancing restrictions, with commercial k...
How to correctly dispose of used PPE
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is currently being used more than ever, both in the UK and across the globe, to help control the spread of coro...
Can I charge staff for PPE?
Coronavirus has taken its toll on many businesses across the UK, leaving business owners searching for ways to lower their overheads and cut back o...
How long can we expect Covid-19 restrictions to last?
With restrictions across the UK gradually starting to lift and the population beginning to look forward to getting back to a new kind of normal, we...

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